
Collapser Zulu [253 / 850]

Flaka West [17125]

† Dogma † [16578]

Joshua beyma [15165]

†€GÅRØÑ ¥µÑÐ [15143]

Phantoms [15055]

Flaka West [2]

† Dogma † [2]

Joshua beyma [2]

†€GÅRØÑ ¥µÑÐ [2]

Phantoms [2]

• You may be banished at any time for any reason, the reason does not have to be on this list, without warning by a God or by another staff member who has permission from God to do so if he sees fit.
• All banishment times may be increased due to repeat offenses and may eventually result in account deletion.
• Harassing the staff is strictly forbidden and may result in banishment (or a banishment extension if you are currently banned).
• Abetting another player to break a rule will result in the abettor receiving equal punishment to that of the rule violator.

(A) Character Automation Restrictions
(B) Multiple Client Restrictions
(C) Hacking, Scamming, and Abuse Policies
(D) Advertisement Restrictions
(E) Account Policies
(F) Donation Policies
(G) Public Chat(s) And Broadcast Policies
(H) Discord Text Channel Rules

(A) Character Automation Restrictions

1. Do not cavebot. Cavebotting is considered to be the use of any of the actions below in order to kill multiple monsters without player input.
• Cavebotting will result in a 30 day banishment and a 20% experience loss if applicable.

2. Do not autocast attack spells. Autocasting is using software to cast attack spells. Only in-game hotkeys in the client can be used to cast attack spells (no elfbot hotkeys, ect).
• Autocasting will result in a 7 day banishment.

3. Do not have attack spell hotkeys held down while AFK.
• If you cannot respond to a check within 60 seconds it will result in a 7 day banishment.

4. Do not autocast attack runes. Firebomb is permitted in PVP.
• Autocasting will result in a 7 day banishment.

5. Do not automatically cast magic walls or wild growth.
• Automatically casting these spells will result in 7 day banishment.

6. Auto Targeting Restrictions
• Versus Monsters: Do not automatically acquire new targets while AFK. You must respond within 15 seconds of a bot check if you are using auto-targeting against monsters.
• Versus Players: Do not automatically acquire new player targets (AFK or not).
• Auto-targeting violations will result in a 7 day banishment and a 10% experience loss if applicable.

7. Do not use target hold/lock on monsters. You must respond within 15 seconds of a bot check if you are using hold target on monsters. Target lock/hold is keeping ‘attack’ on a single target.
• Target locking will result in a 7 day banishment.

8. Do not use world items via a bot (digging killer rabbits, cutting trees, and digging zombies) while AFK.
• Failure to respond within 15 seconds of a botcheck will result in a 7 day banishment.

9. Do not claim to have ‘cave botted’.
• Banishment time will be the same as the claimed infraction.

10. Do not use software that moves your character without player input. “Dash” is legal with player input.
• Auto moving will result in 7-day banishment

11. Do not allow other players to control your character through scripts.
• Automatically selecting a new target will result in a 7 day banishment and a 10% experience loss if applicable.

(B) Multiple Client / VPS / Cloud / VPN Restrictions

1. You may only have 1x active character and 1x designated fishing character, per person, outside of the PZ at any given time.
• Active Character: An active character is any character outside of PZ that is not fishing.
• Designated Fishing Character: A designated fishing character is limited to only fishing in official fish spawns (custom house fishing areas, the canoe island public fishing area, and fishing hotspots). This character cannot be used for anything other than fishing and training.
• The first violation of this rule will result in the jailing of the offending character.
• Any repeat violations of this rule will result in a 7 day banishment.

2. Any additional characters online must remain in a protection zone at all times and cannot provide any advantage to characters outside of the protection zone.
• This includes but is not limited to: healing other players and blocking players from entering protection zones.
• Any characters that fall into this category must also not be used to talk in any public chats.

3. Usage of Virtual Private Servers, Cloud Servers, Virtual Private Networks, and other services which provide IP obfuscation is forbidden for the purpose of fishing, afk res, afk uh & afk sio unless approved by a SGM+.
• You can Apply to use these services for your fisher by filling out the following form: https://forms.gle/747B6FrToWhC6ohQ7
• The first violation of this rule will result in the jailing of the offending character.
• Any repeat violations of this rule will result in a 7 day banishment.

4. In the case of multiple people fishing on the same IP address, a unique active character is required to be associated with each fishing character.
• Unique Active Character: An non-shared character that actively participates in non-fishing activities (tasks, pvp, leveling, ect).
• Should multiple Fishers be found on the same IP, we reserve the right to Temple those character's pending an MC check.
• You can apply to have multiple people fishing on the same IP address here: https://forms.gle/747B6FrToWhC6ohQ7
• Players in violation of this rule will be initially jailed, and banned for 7 days for any future violations.

(C) Hacking, Scamming, and Abuse Policies

1. Do not hack or steal other players accounts.
• Hacking will result in immediate deletion of the offenders account.

2. Do not scam or steal from players.
• If scammed items are returned to the owner the offender will receive a 30 day banishment.
• If scammed or stolen items cannot be returned the offenders account will be deleted.

3. Do not abuse game exploits.
• “Minor” exploit abuse such as fishing monster spawn bugs or trainer bugs will result in a 3 day banishment.
• “Severe / critical” exploit abuse such as duping or tempering will result in deletion.

(D) Advertisement Restrictions

1. Do not discuss in any way the Buying or Selling of Items, Orbs, Characters or Accounts for an external currency. Even if the sale did not complete players will be punished all the same as if it had.
• Person(s) selling Items, Orbs, Characters or Accounts will receive a 14 day IP banishment, as well as deletion of character/account in question.
• Person(s) buying Items, Orbs, Characters or Accounts will receive a 7 day IP banishment.

2. Do not advertise other OT servers.
• Other OT servers are the leading cause of hacked accounts and will therefore result in an immediate 30 day banishment or deletion.
• You may talk about and reference other OT servers, just not advertise!

(E) Account Policies

1. Any bought, sold, or traded accounts will be deleted.

2. Do not impersonate any staff member or pretend to have the rank and/or responsibility of being a Collapser staff member.
• Impersonating a staff member or pretending to have the rank and/or responsibility of being a Collapser staff member without showing malicious intent will result in an initial warning, followed by a 3 day banishment for any future offenses.
• Impersonating a staff member or pretending to have the rank and/or responsibility of being a Collapser staff member while showing malicious intent will result in a 30 day banishment.

3. Do not share staff accounts.
• Sharing staff accounts will result in immediate termination of staff rights.

4. You may be held for any violations on your IP address.

(F) Donation Policies

1. A list of up-to-date donation policies can be found on the donation page.

(G) Collapser communications

Defined as any in-game chat channel (including direct messages), along with Collapser Discord (not including direct messages, or external groups).

1. Spamming is not allowed in Collapser communications or broadcasts.
• Spamming will result in your account / IP address being squelched.

2. Discrimination against a player based on race, colour, or nationality is strictly prohibited in Collapser communications. This includes the use of ethnic and racial slurs.
• Any offence of discrimination will result in a 3 day banishment without warning.
• Repeat offences of discrimination will result in a ban of up to 30 days depending on the severity of their actions.

3. Excessive harassment of players on things that are not game-related is prohibited in Collapser communications.
• Your first offense for excessive harassment will result in a notation.
• Any following offenses for excessive harassment will result in a 3 day banishment.

4. Do not complain in Collapser communications. All complaints should be made via the discord bot (!complaint MESSAGE).
• Complaining in-game will result in your account / IP address being squelched.

5. No posting links to "Not Safe For Work" content in Collapser communications.
• The first offense for violating this rule will result in a notation..
• Any following offenses for violating this rule will result in a 3 day banishment.

6. The inclusion of a players "rl" life details within the Collapser communications with the intent of harassment, intimidation or threat is strictly prohibited. Punishments will be given to a players main account rather than account used to commit the offence should they differ.
• The first offense for violating this rule will result in a 30 day IP banishment.
• Any further offences will result in account deletion following a Staff vote.

7. Within Collapser communications the threat of harm to another player is strictly prohibited. There is no circumstance where a threat of this type is applicable. Punishments will be given to a players main account rather than account used to commit the offence should they differ.
• The first offense for violating this rule will result in a 90 day IP banishment.
• Any further offences will result in account deletion and Player blacklisted.

(H) Discord Text Channel Rules

1. No spamming.
• Your discord account may be muted for an extended period of time if you spam.

2. No posting “Not Safe For Work” content in any channels besides #memes or #nsfw-chat.
• Your discord account may be muted for an extended period of time if you violate this rule. Your messages may also be deleted, and in repeat cases your in-game account will be banished for 3 days.

3. No complaining in public chats.
• Your discord account may be muted for an extended period of time if you violate this rule. Your messages may also be deleted, and in repeat cases your in-game account will be banished for 3 days.

4. Racism and harassment are strictly prohibited in any of the public chats..
• Your discord account may be muted for an extended period of time if you violate this rule. Your messages may also be deleted, and in repeat cases your in-game account will be banished for 3 days.

5. No linking or posting “illegal content”.
• Posting content such as illegal elfbot scripts will result in the user’s discord account being muted. Your messages may also be deleted, and in repeat cases your in-game account may be banished for 3 days.