Donation System

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Revision as of 01:52, 24 December 2020 by Gut (talk | contribs)
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Donations allow us to pay for hosting services including the dedicated server, DDOS protection, ect. Players that donate to the server receive a donor currency, Collapser Orbs. 1$(USD) = 1 Collapser Orb.

We are currently only accepting donations from verified PayPal accounts.

How do I donate?

Follow this link to get started:

Donation Steps

1. Read all of the rules regarding donations in the link above.
2. Ensure that your PayPal account is verified by going to the following link:
3. Click the "Donate" button located on the bottom of the donation section of the website.


4. Choose the amount you wish to donate by selecting one of the preset amounts or by putting a custom amount in the box that is furthest to the right.

Donation Amount.png

5. Click the "Donate with PayPal" button.
6. If prompted, log in to your PayPal account.
7. Choose a payment method if prompted.
8. Click Donate Now.
9. Check your e-mail in 10 minutes, and click the link in the e-mail after you receive it.
10. Log in with your Collapser account credentials.
11. Congratulations! You have completed the donation process =)

Things you can buy with Collapser Orbs

The following items can be purchased at Pumin. Pumin is located in the shops under Collapser Town.

Item name Cost
Backpack of Holding 1 Orb
Name Change 4 Orbs
Sex Change 4 Orbs
1x Fish Bowls 1 Orb
6hr Experience Scroll 2 Orb
12hr Skill Scroll 1 Orb
Superb Enhancement Rune 3 Orb
35kk 1 Orb
Watering Can (250 Charges) 5 Orbs
Teleport Spells (150 Charges) 2 Orb
Treebane (for the living forest) 10 Orbs