Collapser Greaves Quest

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Revision as of 22:16, 18 September 2019 by Samael (talk | contribs) (→‎Requirements)
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1. You must be Level 5000 to begin this Quest
2. You must have completed the Collapser Hood Collapser Hood.gif (Pirate Exhibition Quest) in order to read the paper.
3. You must have a good blocking Knight Knight Male.gif and a good healing sio Druid Female.gif (I suggest Multiple) within your team.

Creatures to Face

Ferocious Wolf , Ferocious Bear , Rotting Cadaver , Vile Gremlin , Animated Scarecrow , Burrowing Arachnid , .


1.You see Collapser Greaves Collapser Greaves.gif (Arm:17, speed +20). It weighs 19.00 oz. It reduces all damage taken by 5%.
2. Blue Prints needed to complete the Collapser Off-Hand Sword Mini Quest.


Sacred TN (2.5k Area)
Enter the portal to Sacred TN.

Sacred TN.png
Make your way down the steps to begin. Once down the steps go South East and Down to the second set of steps. Once there you will continue South past the Ferocious Wolf and Ferocious Bear until you hit another set of steps containing the doorway for level 2500.

2500 Door.png

Once here follow my Maps to get to the level 5,000 door to begin the Quest!

2500 1.png

You are now approaching the Burrowing Arachnid Cave!!!

2500 2.png

2500 3.png

You see a gate of expertise for level 5000.

The Beginning (Paper)