Custom Houses

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Custom House Prices

The following services are not purchasable in-game. You must contact a GM+ if you are interested in them. (Discord PM or Character in game) Custom houses have a monthly fee that is equal to 15% of the total house cost. (First month is included with the original total.) Certain weeks of the year will be dedicated for Custom House orders.

Order Price Image / Description
Standard Size 250 SQM 15 Orbs 250 5.png
50 Additional SQM 3 Orbs


Trainer Tile 2 Orbs TrainingTile.png
Monk Training Station 2 Orbs Trainer.png
Depot 1 Orb HouseDepot.png
Fishing Spawns (Water or Lava) 10, 15, 30, 60 Orbs Fishing_Spawns]


  • Private place to train at any time.
  • You can invite friends or guilds to have a private place to fish.
  • Great for making fishing monsters access.
  • You can teleport to your house.
  • You can AFK without the fear of being killed by other players.