Arachnid Queen, Nightbane and Baal

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Shapeshift Name Creature Level Loot
Arachnid Queen Giant Spider.gif 1000 Master Archer's Armor.gif Master Archer's Armor,
Rainbow Shield.gif Rainbow Shield,
Crystal Coin.gif Crystal Coins,
Horned Helmet.gif Horned Helmet
Nightbane Undead Dragon.gif 1500 Purple Flower.gif Purple Flower,
Fireworks Rocket.gif Fireworks Rockets,
Mother Soil.gif Mother Soil,
Crystal Coin.gif Crystal Coins,
Mysterious Voodoo Skull.gif Voodoo Skull
Baal Demon.gif 2000 Eternal Flame.gif Eternal Flame,
Mother Soil.gif Mother Soil,
Roc Feather.gif Roc Feather,
Crystal Coin.gif Crystal Coins


Bosses area (Arachnid Queen, Nightbane and Baal).
You can get here with the Teleport Spells (!teleport bosses) or walk from Green Mile.
Collapser Town (2 Baal).
This location is secret and is very tricky to find. It will be very far south east of Collapser Town and the teleport will be located underground. BEWARE! There's 2 Baal on top of a small Mountain you will need a good knight to block them.

Canoe Island Kongras (Arachnid Queen).
Go to the Kongras in Canoe Island on the bottom floor go north where you will find some stairs that lead to the Arachnid Queen.

Castle Town (Nightbane).
Castle town is a big city with a lot of places to explore. The First Nightbane will be all the way south on top of the Iluminados house. NOTE: Castle Town has more bosses but it will be very hard to get there. They will be very far north west and you will need a big team as you will face some strong monsters.

Bosses Area (lvl 1000)

Walking from Green Mile
GreenMile.pngGreenMile2.png GreenMile3.png
Arachnid Queen (lvl 1000)
Nightbane (lvl 1500)
Baal (lvl 2000)

Collapser Town (2 Baals lvl 2100)


Canoe Island Kongras (Arachnid Queen lvl 1000)

Kongra1.png Kongra2.png Kongra3.png QueenKongras.png

Castle Town (Nightbane lvl 2000)

Castle1.png Castle2.png Castle3.png BaneCastle.png