3K Quest

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Level 3125 or higher
Team quest suggested number of players: 6 with high level Druids
Suggested level of knight blocking: 7000 or higher.


You see an infernal amulet (speed +7). It increases your damage by 1%.

Creatures to Face

Name Creature
Blood Hungerer Werewolf.gif
Deformed Skullcrusher Behemoth.gif
Plague Bringer Fleshcrawler.gif
Searing Elemental Hellfire Fighter.gif

How to get there.

3k 1.png 3k 2.png 3k 3.png 3k 4.png 3k 5.png 3k 6.png 3k 7.png 3k 8.png 3k 9.png 3k 10.png 3k 11.png 3k 12.png 3k 13.png 3k 14.png 3k 15.png 3k 17.png 3k 16.png