2.5 K Quest Part 1

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Revision as of 18:38, 23 March 2020 by Chris (talk | contribs)
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1. You must be Level 2500 to begin this Quest

Getting to the Start

1. Enter the portal to West Cliff. 2.5 k quest.png
2.5 k quest 12.png
2. Go Southwest and find the quest door in the great spiders spawn.

2.5 k quest 1233.png 2.5 k quest part 1.png

3. Go down the hole.

2.5 k quest part 1 1.png

4. Work your way to the Northwest.

2.5 k quest 2 2.png

2.5 k quest part 1 2.png

5. Work your way to the Northwest.

2.5 k quest part 1 3.png 2.5 k quest part 1 3 3.png

2.5 k quest part 1 4.png 2.5 k quest part 1 5.png
Don't forget to open all 4 chests.
You can now do part 2!!! Chris 123.png Steph 12.png Steph123.png Steph 1234.png