Fishing Guide

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Fishing provides a unique opportunity on collapser for players to earn orbs, levels, and various other items along the way. It is important to note before I continue that auto targeting / auto casting while afk fishing can and will result in a banishment. Fishing is used by players to catch bosses that can then be sold for orbs, killed for levels, and looted for items. However, its not as simple as go to bed and wake up with 100 orbs worth of monsters in your inventory. The following guide will be split up into (ADD AMOUNT OF SECTIONS HERE) sections.

1. Getting Started 2. Scripts 3. Items that enhance fishing / Commendation System 4. Bosses 5. Water Fishing vs. Lava Fishing 6. Useful Commands / Added Info 7. Closing Remarks

1. Getting Started

So, to get started fishing the first thing one needs to do is obtain a fishing rod. You should start with one, but if you happened to throw it away you can always go to the Collapser Depot > Shops, and talk to (INSERT PERSON'S NAME HERE)(SHOW PICTURE OF NPC) to obtain one. Once you have your fishing rod, you're halfway done with being able to fish. Now, all you need is the scripts and a spot. Go to section 2 if you are in need of a fishing script. As far as where to fish, that is largely up to your discretion. A few things to consider when finding a fishing spot is as follows: how hard you will be able to find in the case that someone is trying to kill you, how hard you are to push if someone wants to mess up your bot, and how sustainable it is for the amount of time you want to fish for. For example, a spot may be good, but if you are going away for the weekend you may want to consider a more hidden spot as there are people that go around looking for humble fishermen to kill. Once you have found your spot, you are there until level 110 fishing. NOTE: type exevo fish to avoid catching actual fish and filling up your inventory.

After 2-3 weeks of fishing(depending on if you are using fishing scrolls, check section 3), you will be around 110 fishing. Once a fishing level of 110 is obtained, you can now fish in the fishing guild. The fishing guild is located directly south of Collapser Depot, just walk on the turtle to be teleported(INSERT PICTURE OF TURTLE AND HOW TO GET THERE BY DRAWING A LINE ON A MAP). The advantages of fishing at the fishing guild is that its a non-pvp zone so it is substantially harder for your enemies to kill you, and just the fact that a fishing level of 110 is required is a large enough requirement to prevent most people from going there. NOTE: The Fishing Guild will teleport you to a random fishing spot, and there are 10-15 different fishing spots so it may be tricky getting back to the same spot if you die.

2. Scripts

Since the fishing system on collapser is so custom, many custom scripts are needed to ensure a smooth fishing experience. The following scripts have been listed in order of usefullness and importance.

2a. Scripts that actually fish for you There are a few scripts that fish for you. NOTE: If your character is not fishing, try moving around. Most scripts only fish either north-west or south-east and it may be tricky to find a good spot to stand in. The most basic fishing script is as follows:

Auto 100 fish(PUT THIS IN BOLD)

If that script isn't working for you, an alternative is:

auto 100 set $n [$posy-3] | set $s [$posy+3] | set $e [$posx+3] | set $w [$posx-3]| useongroundxyz 3483 $e $n $posz | useongroundxyz 3483 $w$s$posz useongroundxyz 3483 $w $n $posz | useongroundxyz 3483 $e $s $posz Credit: @Synn©

Another really good fishing script can be found below. I like this one because it stops fishing if you're under 50% mana, so you won't die from your bot overriding your mana potion script with the fishing script.

auto 1 listas 'Safe Fish' | set $n [$posy-4] | set $s [$posy+4] | set $e [$posx+4] | set $w [$posx-4] | if [$mppc > 50] useongroundxyz 3483 $e $n $posz | if [$mppc > 50] useongroundxyz 3483 $w $s $posz | if [$mppc > 50] useongroundxyz 3483 $w $n $posz

If you're using a fishing spear instead, this script is the one for you:

auto 100 set $n [$posy-3] | set $s [$posy+3] | set $e [$posx+3] | set $w [$posx-3]| useongroundxyz 3346 $e $n $posz | useongroundxyz 3346 $w$s$posz useongroundxyz 3346 $w $n $posz | useongroundxyz 3346 $e $s $posz Credit: @Synn©

To auto-bowl your fish monsters, use the script below: NOTE: Make sure you check the list below and just add the monsters you want using the same format if your monster isn't listed below. It is NOT a complete list of all fishing monsters, just a starter script that can be edited based on the needs of the player.

auto 200 | useoncreature 5928 Jaws | useoncreature 5928 Aegaeus | useoncreature 5928 Krakatoa | useoncreature 5928 Triton | useoncreature 5928 Blastoise | useoncreature 5928 Pyria Credit: @Synn©

To auto open bundles, use the following:

auto 50 usegrounditem 6507 Credit: @Synn©

3. Items that enhance fishing / Commendation System

NOTE: The commendations system is constantly being updated by Gut(Mike) at the time of making this so prices may not be 100% accurate.

Commendations are a type of currency that can be obtained in a variety of ways whilst fishing. For starters, looting a weak fishing scroll out of a fishing bundle grants one commendation. Fishing bundles are dropped by a variety of monsters you catch whilst fishing. Keep in mind weak fishing scrolls are fairly rare. The second way to obtain commendations is by catching fish. While the exact numbers of most fishing monsters are not known, it is known that Triton grants 1 commendation upon being caught by a player so it is assumed that every monster after that (Aegeus, Nessie, Aekre, etc.) grant atleast one commendation upon being caught, but likely may grant more. Mike has confirmed that stronger monsters grant more, but the numbers are still unknown.

Commendations are used as a currency to buy things such as a Fishing Spear, Fishing Bowls, and Fishing Scrolls, although more items will likely be added to this shop in the future. To check your commendations, simply type !commendations in the Default Chat channel. The Commendation shop is located inside the fishing guild(directly south of Collapser Depot, go on the turtle to be teleported), which means a fishing level of 110 is required. (INSERT PICTURE OF ME READING BLACKBOARD BEHIND COMMENDATION SHOP)

NOTE: This section is a work in progess due to the fact that at the time of writing this donations aren't out and prices of things in orbs are not certain.

There are many items that an avid fisher on Collapser will find useful. The first of many being the fishing spear. The fishing spear makes it substantially easier to catch fish. It can be bought with 15 commendations in the fishing guild, or bought using orbs from pumin.

The second item that is very useful to a fisher is bowls. Using a fishing bowl on a monster(triton and above) allow you to capture that monster, almost like a pokemon in a pokeball. You can then sell the monster in the bowl to players, or place it on the ground and right click to summon that monster at any time. NOTE: Most players tend to find bowling tritons as a waste of money, and instead only bowl Aegeus+ monsters. This is just a suggestion and should not be taken as an absolute.

The Third item is fishing scrolls. They come in three strengths, Weak, Ample, and Strong. The only difference between the three fishing scrolls is the amount of time they last. All three increase catch rate by 50% and make your fishing skill go up twice as fast. (INSERT PICTURE OF ME LOOKING AT A WEAK FISHING SCROLL). The Amount of time the scrolls last is as follows:

Weak Fishing Scroll = 2 hours Ample Fishing Scroll = 10 hours Strong Fishing Scroll = 24 hours Credit: Gut(Mike)

Another item considered extremely useful is the watering can. The watering can instantly grows back grass that has been cut. This is very useful for trapping fishing bosses in, or simply trapping something such as a tyria or a krabby in so it can kill the weaker fishing monsters you catch. The price of a watering can is being brainstormed at 5 orbs for the initial purchase. The watering can comes with 100 charges and when it runs out an orb is required to recharge it back to 100 charges. However, the aforementioned has not been implemented into the game at the time of writing this, so the prices may vary.

4. Bosses

This section will go over the #1 reason why so many people fish - the bosses that one can catch. The fishing level required and the bosses catchable will be listed below, as well as some helpful tips for encountering each monster. Not all mechanics will be written below, just the ones I was able to gather info on.

Water Fishing:

- Enraged Water Spirit: Level 200 Fishing 100 Scroll: no - Hydros: Level 400 Fishing 100 Scroll: no - Krabby: Level 400 Fishing 100 Scroll: yes

- Tyria: Level 700 Fishing 110 Scroll: no - Doctor Octagonapus: Level 1500 Fishing 110 Scroll: no - Kingler: Level 1500 Fishing ? Scroll: yes

- Triton: Level 3000 Fishing 120 Scroll: no - Aegaeus: Level 3000 Fishing 120 Scroll: yes

- Nessie: Level 3000 Fishing 125 Scroll: no - Aekre: Level 3000 Fishing 125 Scroll: yes

- Jaws: Level 3000 Fishing 130 Scroll: no

- Sobek: Level 5000 Fishing 135 Scroll: no

- Blastoise: Level 5000 Fishing 140 Scroll: no - Kraken: Level 6000 Fishing 140 Scroll: yes - Lady Ashzara: Level 6000 Fishing 140 Scroll: yes

- Leviathan: Level ? Fishing 145 Scroll: yes

Lava Fishing:

- Magma Minion: Level ? Fishing 120 Scroll: no - Molten Magma Crab: Level ? Fishing 120 Scroll: no - Unstable Pyroclast: Level ? Fishing 120 Scroll: no - Firebat: Level ? Fishing 120 Scroll: no - Heqet: Level ? Fishing 120 Scroll: yes - Krakatoa: Level 3000 Fishing 120 Scroll: no - Charmander: Level 3000 Fishing 120 Scroll: yes

- Onyx: Level 3000 Fishing 125 Scroll: yes

- Hephaestus: Level 4000 Fishing 130 Scroll: no

- Lavos: Level 4000 Fishing 135 Scroll: no

- Pyria The Incinerator: Level 4000 Fishing 140 Scroll: no - Volcanis: Level 6000 Fishing 140 Scroll: yes - Molten Fury: Level 6000 Fishing 140 Scroll: yes

Water Fishing Monsters:

Enraged Water Spirit(BOLD THESE NAMES <<) - Fairly weak Water Elemental, drops fishing bundle upon death. Some notable drops from fishing bundles are: 1 iridium coin(1kk), demonic essence, and one commendation + a weak fishing scroll

Hydros - More health than Water Elementals, can drop crystal coins, fishing bundles, shiver arrows, golden bows, and flaming arrows among others.

Krabby - Around 3x more health than hydros, has a useful aoe that can be used to kill other fishing monsters such as hydros or water elementals. Most players trap these in grass and don't kill them. They can drop fishing bundles and flawless ice crystals.

Tyria - Fairly tanky, around same health as a krabby. This fishing monster is also normally trapped and used to kill weaker fishing monsters.

Doctor Octagonapus - This is one of the first "bosses" you will be able to catch. However, this one is considered more as a demi-boss as although it can kill an afk fisher under level 4500, it gives very little experience and doesn't have good loot.

Triton - Congratulations! This is one of the first bosses most players catch. Although later on in the game most players simply ignore this monster, if you're under level 4-5k this monster is definitely worth killing. Drops still aren't great, but better than the Doctor Octagonapus. When a player catches one of these they are awarded with one fishing commendation.

Aegaeus - Now is when we start getting into the good bosses. Aegaeus, which looks like a Djinn, requires atleast a 6000-6500 knight to block, and can give decent experience. I am unaware of its drops.

Nessie - This boss looks like a hydra. It has the same aoe's as a hydra, although they are wider and reach farther.

More information about bosses will be added to this section when it becomes available.