Custom Houses

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Custom House Prices

The following services are not purchasable in-game. You must contact a GM+ if you are interested in them. (Discord PM or Character in game) Custom houses have a monthly fee that is equal to 15% of the total house cost and on custom hunting spawns Rent is only 12.5%. (First month is included with the original total.) Certain weeks of the year will be dedicated for Custom House orders.

Order Price Image
Standard Size 250 SQM 15 Orbs 250 5.png
50 Additional SQM 3 Orbs


Trainer Tile 2 Orbs TrainingTile.png
Monk Training Station 2 Orbs Trainer.png
Depot 1 Orb HouseDepot.png

Private Fishing Spawns


Private Hunting Spawns

Private Spawn Pricing


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
[Tier 1]

Price: 6 orbs for the first 30 monsters, and then 5 orbs per any additional increment of 30 monsters in the same spawn.
Example Monsters:
Orc Miner
Orc Enforcer
Pirate (Marauder, Cutthroat, Buccaneer, Corsair)
Swamp Wyrm
Giant Swamp Spider
Island Kongra
Kongra Warrior
Enraged Sibang

[Tier 2]

Price: 13 orbs for the first 30 monsters, and then 11 orbs per any additional increments of 30 monsters in the same spawn.

Ferocious Wolf Ferocious Bear Lethal Bat Venomous Flesheater Animated Scarecrow Rotting Cadaver Vile Gremlin

[Tier 3]

Price: 27 orbs for the first 30 monsters, and then 24 orbs per any additional increments of 30 monsters in the same spawn.

Empowered Dragon Dragon Overlord Mature Hellhound Mature Hellhound Matriarch


[Tier 1]

Price: 25 orbs for the first 30 monsters, and then 23 orbs per any additional increments of 30 monsters in the same spawn.

Hellmaw Cultist (Exceptional Loot) Ravenous Zombie (Exceptional Loot)

[Tier 2]

Price: 40 orbs for the first 30 monsters, and then 36 orbs per any additional increments of 30 monsters in the same spawn. Servant of Draconis (Exceptional Loot) Colmillos (High HP/EXP Ratio & Lower Damage) Crazed Zealot (High HP/EXP Ratio & Lower Damage) Bovine Grunt (Infernal Lands Task Monster) Mud Wasp (Infernal Lands Task Monster) Infernal Blaze (Infernal Lands Task Monster)

[Tier 3]

Price: 55 orbs for the first 30 monsters, and then 49 orbs per any additional increments of 30 monsters in the same spawn. Castle Monsters (High EXP Ratio / Materials) Borean Mines Monsters (High EXP Ratio / Materials)


  • Private place to train at any time.
  • You can invite friends or guilds to have a private place to fish.
  • Great for making fishing monsters access.
  • You can teleport to your house.
  • You can AFK without the fear of being killed by other players.